Linux Shell Scripting Part 2

Linux Shell Scripting Part 2

Day 6 of 90DaysOfDevOps

Loops in Shell Script

Let's create directories day1 to day90


    read -p "directory name: " dirName
    read -p "start number: " startNum
    read -p "end number: " endNum

    for (( i=$startNum ; i<=$endNum ; i++ ))
            mkdir $dirName-$i

Backup file script


    # backup script


    bkp_filename="backup_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H-%M).tar.gz"

    echo "Backup started ....."

    tar -czvf "${tgt_dir}/${bkp_filename}" "$src_dir"

    echo "Files are backup to ${tgt_dir}/${bkp_filename}"

variable 'src_dir' is directory path which you want to backup and variable 'tgt_dir' is directory where you want to save backup file.

Check out this reference for tar command or execute man tar command.

Cron or Crontab

Cron is the system's main scheduler for running jobs or tasks unattended. A command called crontab allows the user to submit, edit or delete entries to cron. A crontab file is a user file that holds the scheduling information.

crontab -e execute this command. It will open one file -> scroll all over down -> paste your script then that script will execute in specified time interval.

To set time interval refer


I have developed project using shell script. This project is on user and group management. Project covers following points

  • While loop

  • if-else if-else

  • Modularity in shell scripts

  • Switch case


Happy Learning~~~